The stranger the surroundings are to your sub, the scarier and more realistic it will be, so try to find a place far from home or where the sub has never been and won't recognize her surroundings.

Bind and gag them, throw them into the backseat and cover them with a blanket, and drive them to an undisclosed location. A (blunt) knife or just physical force can make this feel scary and real, even if they know it is you. One idea is to surprise the sub and force them into a car. If they don't know when or how this is happening, it makes it feel all the more realistic for them-just make sure you get consent sometime before. Kidnap them (making sure worried bystanders don't see and accidentally call the police on you!), bind and gag them, and force them into a car. To make rape play even more realistic, many people enjoy setting it all up with an "abduction scene." Doms can surprise their subs at work, out shopping, in a parking lot, at a bar or club, at a party, or even at home. If you feel that "playing rape" just feels hollow and fake in your own bedroom, try setting the mood somewhere else: a bar, an alley (it's illegal to have sex in public, so make it private!), a hotel room, your car, or a deserted park or forest can work wonders for making the scene feel more real! Being "raped" by my husband in the comfort of your own bedroom is perfectly fine for me (I like the mental aspects of rape), but many other subs and Doms who rely more heavily on the physical aspects of scene to get into their roles need the location, setting, props, and overall "feel" to be more realistic.

This is because a new background and props can make it seem more real. Many people have fantasies about doing rape play with an abduction element. you can keep it hidden in the trunk of your car, for example. Some people believe having a "Rape Play To-Go Kit" ruins the spontaneity, but your partner never even has to know it's there.

The more planning and preparation goes into this, the smoother your scene will go. If you want to be ready for a rape play + abduction scene (that is, any rape play that does not take place in your own home!), a good idea is to prepare beforehand.